Mrs.Alexievich – Nobel Price for Literature 2015 – lives in Minsk andcalls herself “Russian writer”. Somebody has had illusions thatshe will represent Belarus and progressive tendencies. But she haslost her last chance to find her position in the progressive culture.

TheBelarusians have noticed how Mrs. Alexievich blackmailed theBelarusian people in her speeches in Germany and U.S.A. But sheblackmailed not only our people. This person comments all the topicsin the world.

Thereare some citations from her speech made in Brooklyn, New York in May,2016. This is an act of profanation and slander:

“Itell you more. For example, all the members of the punitiveexpeditions which had acted in Belarus were from Ukraine. And more,not only in Lithuania and Latvia the Jews have been annihilated evenbefore the Germans had arrived. But it was made in Ukraine as well.And you know how Poland had treated the Jews. (…) There aredifferent times, and nowadays are the inhabitants of Latviaresponsible for acts of their parents? In accordance with thesuperior sense – they are responsible! In accordance with thesuperior sense they are responsible! But I know, I know onejournalist in Poland, he has written how the Polish people hadtreated the Jews. The Polish people had treated the Jews worse thanall others. The priests had appealed in their sermons: “Kill theJews!”

("Явам больше скажу. В той же, например,каратели, которые работали на территорииБелоруссии, они были все из Украины. Ибольше того, не только в Литве, там,Латвии уничтожили, сами уничтожилиевреев еще до того, как успели прийтинемцы. Но это было и на Украине. И вызнаете, что делала Польша с евреями.(...) Есть разное время, и сегодня люди,живущие в Латвии, несут ли ониответственность за то, что делали ихродители? В высшем смысле -- несут! Ввысшем смысле несут! Но я знаю, один измоих знакомых журналистов в Польшенаписал, что поляки делали с евреями.Поляки хуже всех относились к евреям.И в этом ксендзы прямо проповедипроизносили: "Убей еврея!")

Thisis a “yellow” and “great” profanation and “revelation” byMrs. Alexievich. We thought that the Germans had annihilated the Jewsin the gas-chambers and concentration camps. But she presents us its“revelation”.

Ihave impression that Mrs. Alexievich doesn’t understand what she isannouncing publicly and isn’t responsible for her words.

Imean that Mrs. Alexievich would like to adopt the political line ofMr. Zhirinovsky and to provoke the reactions of the Latvians,Lithuanians, Ukrainians and Poles which could institute proceedingsagainst her for the slander addressed against their nations. It wouldbe a very good lesson for Mrs. Alexievich.

Thesituation is clear. She demonstrates the lack of intellectualforesight and the insuperable will to invent the facts which didn’texist in reality.

Thisis one more illustration from her line of conduct. She has told inthe same speech made in Brooklyn: “In 1990s we ran on the streetsand spoke “Freedom”, “Freedom”. But we didn’t understandwhat is it. It means that there were not free persons”. ("Вотмы в 90-е бегали по улицам и говорили:"Свобода", "Свобода", но никтопонятия не имел, что это такое. Тоесть свободных людей не было.")

Thisis an invention like all other her inventions. Mrs. Alexievichcommunicates her invention with calm and expressionless voice. Everyher word is a tale.

Shedidn’t run on the streets (nobody had run) and didn’t shout“Freedom”. She didn’t participate in the Belarusian democraticLiberation Movement. But she has been noticed the unique time in thecontext of the political struggle. June 19, 1988 ten thousand ofBelarusians have organized a first march and rally in Minsk toKurapaty (where the Russian NKVD had executed and buried more than250 000 Belarusian victims in 1937-41).

Thecommunist authorities of Belarus have organized their alternativerally against this people’s rally. The Minsk communist committeehas gathered some hundreds of invited persons in the center of Minsk,near the Opera and Ballet Theater. Among “special guests” wasMrs. Alexievich. She was interviewed actively by the journalists andlauded the policy of the Communist Party. The Soviet TV hasdemonstrated some fragments of those interviews.

Shedidn’t tell about “the freedom” because she didn’t understandwhat is the freedom. But the free Belarusians did understand what isit. They have supported the Belarusian People’s Front which hadinitiated the struggle for the freedom and against the power of theCommunist Party and had secured the state independence of Belarus.The Belarusian people had not kept the power – this is our tragedyin the eternal struggle with imperialist Moscow. We continue thisstruggle. We will win together with Ukraine.

Mrs.Alexievich try to adapt “the mentality of slaves” to theBelarusian people (this is her favorite expression). But not ourfreedom-loving people does demonstrate this “mentality”. NamelyMrs. Alexievich does demonstrate the mentality of slave. She hasnothing to do with our struggle for our freedom.

June27, 2016 Zianon Pazniak